Call Us: 9847859810

"Non-profit organization that aims to help youngsters to develop their personality, character and positive social outlook"

Benefits to our Sponsors

As an Organization existing for over four decades in the service of humanity, especially for nurturing positive citizens with specific accomplishments, and assisting people in their times of need, Stallions is a house hold name in the City of Cochin with goodwill unparalleled by any other similar body.

An association with Stallions gives our dear sponsors the benefit of reaching out their messages to thousands of positive and happy families not just in the Metro City, but throughout the State. And, sure, many of them may turn out to be their business prospects through these participations.

We also provide our sponsors live shows for witnessing themselves the benefits of WOM when announcements to their products/ services are made in between the shows and its people response.

Stallions International
"Grace Nest"
C/o S G S & Company
Near Park Central Hotel
Kaloor Kadavanthra Road,
Kaloor, Cochin-682017

Mob : 9847859810

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